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Helen Ljungdahl Round
President and CEO
+46 73 077 02 83
+1 267 809 1225

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About Acarix

Acarix is a Swedish medical device company that innovates solutions for rapid AI-based Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) rule-out.

The CE-mark approved and FDA De Novo cleared Acarix CADScor®System is for patients experiencing stable chest pain with suspected CAD and is designed to help reduce millions of unnecessary and costly diagnostic procedures.2 CADScor®System calculates a patient-specific CAD-score non-invasively in 10 minutes with at least 96% confidence (Negative Predictive Value).¹

Acarix is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (ticker: ACARIX).

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  1. User manual US-FDA v.12.Y, prevalence 10,7%
  2. Shaw LJ, Marwick TH, Zoghbi WA, Hundley WG, Kramer CM, Achenbach S, Dilsizian V, Kern MJ, Chandrashekhar Y, Narula J. Why all the focus on cardiac imaging? JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2010 Jul;3(7):789-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2010.05.004. PMID: 20633864.